terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011


Below I've listed a list of countries, more  access my blogs and channels on the Internet. The list is in descending order of the countries that more access my channels, even those who use it less. I thank all the people whom I have the privilege of addressing you, thanks to information technology provided by WEB. (Valdemar Mota de Menezes)

Brazil (BR)

United States (US)

Portugal (PT)

Iceland (IS)
United Kingdom (GB)
Japan (JP)
Germany (DE)


Italy (IT)

France (FR)


Argentina (AR)

Spain (ES)


Mexico (MX)

Canada (CA)


Switzerland (CH)

Bolivia (BO)

Angola (AO)

Mozambique (MZ)

Poland (PL)




Colombia (CO)

Netherlands (NL)

Uruguay (UY)

Norway (NO)


Bulgaria (BG)

Turkey (TR)

Chile (CL)

Belgium (BE)

Australia (Au)

Czech Republic (CZ)

Ireland (IE)

Peru (PE)

Sweden (SE)

Denmark (DK)

French Guiana (GF)

Greece (GR)

Philippines (PH)

Hungary (HU)


Cape Verde (CV)

Finland (FI)

Romania (RO)

Europe (EU)

Slovakia (SK)

Venezuela (VE)

Russian Federation (RU)

Austria (AT)

Indonesia (ID)

Thailand (TH)

Ukraine (UA)


Dominican Republic (DO)

Croatia (HR)

Taiwan (TW)

Hong Kong (HK)

Virgin Islands, British (VG)

Costa Rica (CR)

South Africa (ZA)

Israel (IL)

Estonia (EE)

Ecuador (EC)

Saudi Arabia (SA)

India (IN)

Korea, Republic of (KR)

Vietnam (VN)

Malaysia (MY)

El Salvador (SV)

Lithuania (LT)

Haiti (HT)

Panama (PA)

Singapore (SG)

Malta (MT)

United Arab Emirates (AE)

Senegal (SN)

Honduras (HN)

Luxembourg (LU)

Puerto Rico (PR)

Nicaragua (NI)

Trinidad and Tobago (TT)

Slovenia (SI)

Namibia (NA)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)

Reunion (RE)

Guatemala (GT)

Georgia (GE)

Suriname (SR)

Asia/Pacific Region (AP)

New Zealand (NZ)

Kenya (KE)

Latvia (LV)

Jersey (JE)

Rwanda (RW)

Uganda (UG)

Monaco (MC)


Morocco (MA)

Belize (BZ)

Lebanon (LB)

Jordan (JO)

Qatar (QA)

Mauritania (MR)

Guadeloupe (GP)

Macedonia (MK)

Sri Lanka (LK)

Guyana (GY)

Serbia (RS)

Barbados (BB)

Andorra (AD)

Nigeria (NG)